CASA of Cecil County can’t do this alone. Our children need your help more than ever. By donating to CASA, you are sustaining our mission, and guaranteeing the right to life, love, and happiness for children all over our community.

Donate today to Change a Child’s Story.

Consider becoming a monthly donor to help make the biggest impact possible.


Ways to make an impact


This is the core of what we do. As the old adage goes, it really does take a village. CASA of Cecil County trains members of our community who want to do their part to change a child’s story, and gives them the tools they need to make a difference. It is up to us as a community to ensure Cecil County’s children are taken care of, and guarantee their right to safe, stable, permanent homes where they can feel the love and kindness they deserve.

Learn More: Advocacy »


A new program, Cecil County Mentors was created to provide continued support to our children after their cases are closed. The presence of a mentor often helps our children develop their own goals, and can help guide them down the right path to achieve their dreams. Our Mentors are separate from our Advocates, and work with children who are either in kinship care, or who have closed their foster care case.

Learn More: Mentorship »


Ambassadors are people who are passionate about our mission but do not want to be an Advocate or a Mentor. These individuals may help us plan and execute events and fundraisers, volunteer their time and resources to help us succeed in our mission, and help recruit people to be Advocates or Mentors.

Learn More: Ambassadors »


Our Mission

CASA of Cecil County ensures every child who has faced abuse and neglect has a voice when they go to court. By advocating for their best interest, we can ensure that every child in foster care has access to safe, stable, and permanent homes.


We take the stress out of financial planning. Proin gravida ex id consectetur lobortis. Aliquam ornare, velit vel faucibus dapibus, augue justo.

— Blandit Lectus