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Our Mission
CASA of Cecil County ensures every child who has faced abuse and neglect has a voice when they go to court. By advocating for their best interest, we can ensure that every child in foster care has access to safe, stable, and permanent homes.
What does it mean to be a CASA?
“As a judge, I had to make tough decisions. I had to decide whether to take a child from the only home he's ever known, or leave him someplace where he might possibly be abused. I needed someone who could tell me what was best for that child - from the child's viewpoint. That's what a CASA does.”
—Former Superior Court Judge David Soukup
Founder of CASA

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Our Impact
Founded in 2015, CASA of Cecil County has been on a mission to help every child in Cecil County’s foster care system. Over that time, we have made new, wonderful additions to our CASA Family. Each Advocate we train is one more child getting a voice in court.
Active Advocates giving a voice
Our Advocates are the heart of what we do. With their help, each child in foster care can have a voice in the court system.
Children served in 2021
Our fight to give these children a voice never ends. Each year more children enter the foster care system and need our help.
Children found permanency in 2021
We have the same goal with every case we work on: permanency. Every child has a right to a safe and permanent home.
Our Programs
Each child in foster care has their own unique challenges. In an effort to better serve the children of Cecil County and address each of their individual needs, we have added a variety of programs. These programs allow us to promote healthy, stable home environments for Cecil County’s families, helps us highlight the needs of our community, and raises awareness on the issues our children face as they navigate the foster care system. Read more about our programs below.
Court Appointed Special Advocates
This is the core of what we do. As the old adage goes, it really does take a village. CASA of Cecil County trains members of our community who want to do their part to change a child’s story, and gives them the tools they need to make a difference. It is up to us as a community to ensure Cecil County’s children are taken care of, and guarantee their right to safe, stable, permanent homes where they can feel the love and kindness they deserve.
Transitional Housing
Our Transitional Housing program aims to create an assisted living space to help our older youth learn the life skills they need to succeed as adults. By helping these youths ease out of the foster system, while also teaching them how to manage a budget or build a resume, we can ensure they have a chance at becoming productive members of society. This is a planned program, and is supported by our annual Festival of Trees fundraiser.
Cecil County Mentors
A new program, Cecil County Mentors was created to provide continued support to our children after their cases are closed. The presence of a mentor often helps our children develop their own goals, and can help guide them down the right path to achieve their dreams. Our Mentors are separate from our Advocates, and work with children who are either in kinship care, or who have closed their foster care case.

Get Involved
Cecil County’s most vulnerable population—our foster children—need your help. Whether you want to dive in and become an advocate, volunteer on our various fundraisers, or simply want to make a donation, your commitment to our mission can make a difference in a child’s life. Our community sustains us, and we are grateful for all of your support.
Become an advocate
Sign up today to receive more information on becoming an Advocate.
Volunteer opportunities
Learn how you can get involved in making a difference in our community.
Make a Donation
Your donation helps keep our mission going. Thank you for your support!
The Governor's Office of Crime Prevention, Youth, and Victim Services funded this project under subaward number VOCA-2025-0064. All points of view in this document are those of the author and do not necessarily represent the official position of any State or Federal agency.